In the spring of 2007 I was 3 years into a 6 month job at Wynn Resorts. I had been hired to do a handbook that was dubbed the "idiots guide to..." and I hated it, even though it got me a long term job at Wynn. In the years that followed I learned to talk like a person with the staff that makes Wynn Resorts special. As the property expanded into Encore, I was tasked with updating the hand book.
What I came up with was a handbook rewritten in natural language, legally binding, without external addendums, that felt like a real magazine for the employees. It started with a fashion spread of uniforms and ended up being a useful document organized around functional operations rather than categories. The result was the rules became part of the fabric of the most acclaimed property in Las Vegas.
The project was my concept and my art direction and to this day (17 years later) resinates as a piece of me. My copywriter took on the task of working with the lawyers, but I did the rest.